Thursday, July 21, 2011

how do you feel or react when other parent discipline your child?

I know we all tend to be protective over our kids but the fact remains, if a parent sees other kids misbehave and their actions may put their own children in harms way, then they should step in and take charge of the situation. I was on that situation too, when a boy hit one of my son and the mom not discipline her child, it can be frustrated. But  "What gives anyone the right to yell at my child?" "Let me be the one to tell my child 'no.' I don't think it's right at all."its very confusing right? Even more when I know that my child is not doing anything bad.
If a parent is watch their kids then there shouldn't be a reason for other mom to step in. But with that being said there are way to many parents that just sit back and gab with their friends and have no idea what their kid is doing, who is not my case, even with 4 boys I make sure I have my eyes on everyone. So this is very complicated in both sides of the story.

Yesterday we were at our local kiddie pool, and my kids were playing with other boy with a beach ball. One of the kids throw the ball and accidentally hit a other mom who was with her  2 years old daughter. The woman turn to my 7years old (Nacho), she say that he is too big to play there, in fact she talk to him like if he was 12years old instead of 7. I didn't say anything to her this time because my son respond to her very well, in fact I'm very proud of him, he say "sorry mam, it was an accident, I didn't throw that ball but I was playing too, I will make sure this no happen again we apologize"The woman just put a grumpy face and walk away.
Nacho at 11 months with me

 Even that I love how my polite son respond to her,  I feel like mad, because he is always receives a bad look because of his size, I mean he is a big boy weight 9lb 12oz at birth, and son of a big men and well I'm not short neither, exclusive breastfeed  until he wean at 3 years old he was always a big boy, at 1 year old he
weight 40lb, at 5 years old he was at 70lb, he is now 7years old  56in and 115lb Nacho looks big and rude but he is a sweet pie, and very kind with the little ones, he is always helping others, especially his baby brother Thomy-tomato.

 I feel bad for him, people always judge him  by his appearance. When he was little I always jump on his defend, but now he is teaching me how his wonderful personality can change any
bad situation. Other moms at the kiddie pool were impressed on how sweet and gentle he really is
with little kids.
Nacho yesterday, holding Thomy-tomato

 He always make me proud, he can be sweet and funny, Nacho came to my life to make us learn from him and appreciate every moment. He sometimes can be a clown, sometimes can be a teacher, a guardian or even a little daddy for his younger siblings. He is always helping me, in fact, if wasn't for him I wouldn't wear shoes
while pregnant with Tomy-tomato.
Nacho helping me to put my shoes on when I was pregnant.

Love you Nacho-man, please never change you're my sweet pie son
Nacho making us pee in our pants pretending he is pregnant.

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